Лингвистические ресурсы аспиранта МФТИ  

Лингвистические ресурсы аспиранта МФТИ - 1


ThoughtTreasure = Программный продукт в открытых кодах наиболее полно описывающий процесс обработки знаний
ThoughtTreasure is a commonsense knowledge base and architecture for natural language processing that uses multiple representations including logic, finite automata, grids, and scripts. The ThoughtTreasure knowledge base consists of:
35,000 English words and phrases,
21,000 French words and phrases,
27,000 concepts, and
51,000 commonsense assertions about those concepts.
The ThoughtTreasure architecture consists of:
a text agency for tagging words, phrases, and named entities in text,
a syntactic component for producing syntactic parse trees,
a semantic component for producing surface-level semantic parses and resolving anaphora,
a generator for converting assertions into English and French,
a planning agency for achieving goals in a simulated world, and
an understanding agency for producing an in-depth understanding of a text.
Some pieces of common sense in ThoughtTreasure include:

Soda is a drink.
People have necks.
Excellent food is called quality food.
A play lasts about two hours.
One hangs up at the end of a phone call.
Applications of ThoughtTreasure include question answering, commonsense-enabled agents, and story understanding. See the list of applications and research that use ThoughtTreasure.
Graph Layout
Прекрасная программа (исходник на JAVA) преобразующая текст в живой граф.

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Лингвистические ресурсы
Собраны Сергеем Протасовым
Парсер Сергея Протасова

Разбор предложения

Примите участие в тестировании

Доклады ссылки литература

Доклады, ссылки, литература

Алексеенко Дмитрий
Обработка неопределенных типов данных

Оба доклада взяты с сайта http://www.abitu.ru/


Сайт аспирантуры


Лингво для аспирантов

Ссылки, образцы документов для поступления
Лингвистическое общество МФТИ
Физтеховский курс прикладной лингвистики
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MIPT Business Intelligence Society - Общество Экономической информатики МФТИ
Программы наших специальностей
Страница ВАКа

Аспирантура МФТИ по специальностям - прикладная лингвистика, системная интеграция и менеджмент, экономическая информатика. Неофициальная информация для поступающих на кафедру СИМ.


BI MIPT - Basic Links

BI MIPT - Basic Links

Аспирантура МФТИ. Неофициальная информация.

Неофициальная информация для поступающих на кафедру СИМ

Справки, образцы документов и т.п.
Как составлять список научных работ - правила составления и программы ведения библиографии.
Наши конференции
Наши конференции и наши упехи
Большая книга по XML и RDF

Good Papers

iKMS is a non-profit organization aimed at serving information and knowledge management (KM) professionals.
The Society provides a platform for information and KM professionals to connect. It serves its members by making information on KM easily available through a wide array of resources such as seminars, conferences, networking opportunities, books, journals, and group discussions. The Society aims to support the development of effective KM practices in both private and public sectors. It also promotes research and development in the field of KM and information management.
Project Know Net
This site aims to be a practical implementation of our idea about knowledge networking. We believe that the linkage between knowledge sources is the foundation of knowledge management in modern enterprises. Knowledge networking provides access paths that allow us to follow links to different, scattered sources of intelligence. We can achieve intelligence when we become aware of all the different information and knowledge sources
Intelligence Enterprise
Business of Information Technology > Business Processes >
Knowledge Management
Наши проекты

John Bateman''''s ontology portal... - Самый большой и понятный портал по онтологиям
This page is a collection of starting points for information on ontologies gathered together for ease of reference for our own ontology-related projects. It is made available as is in case it is of use to anyone else. It does not contain information about conferences, meetings, journals, email groups, and the like. This page stays reasonably general, but since our main concern is with natural language processing, there is a bias.
Лингвистические ресурсы аспиранта МФТИ
Лингвистические ресурсы аспиранта МФТИ
Когнитивное моделирование в лингвистике
Proceedings of International Conference - Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics
September 1-7, 2003 Varna
Documents of this site in RTF can be read on any computer without national font resources installed.


RTF files. Complete texts in Russian - всех докладов на этом сайте
The Open Source Business Process Management Ontology (BPMO) - Самый лучший сайт с описаниями онтологий бизнес процессов
Есть Tutorial и можно скачать open source codes
The Business Process Management Ontology (BPMO) represents an integrated information model, which helps to better align IT with business. It brings together business process design, project management, requirements management, and business performance management (in the form of balanced scorecards). As such, it forms the basis for an integrated, vendor-neutral, Business Process Management Knowledge Base, from which various artifacts can be generated. While business analysts will be the primary users of the BPMO, IT experts will also use it to establish mappings to software-related definitions, such as business objects and Web service descriptions.

Primary Info
Набор найденных ценных сайтов по Бизнес-информатике (Business Intelligence)
Сайт A Клещева
Онтологии и экспертные системы - лучшее, что есть на русском.
"УЧЕБНАЯ" web-страница КАТРЕЧКО С.Л.
Огромное кол-во текстов по логике и смежным наукам
Электронный журнал
Электронный журнал
"Логические Исследования"

Образцы документов и другая информация



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